Saturday 13 May 2023

Minos Pattern Chimera Variants

Here we have some more of Nfeyma's excellent creations. These are his Minotaur IFVs which are intended to be Taurox proxies. I have decided to repurpose as Chimera variants. I'm calling them Minos pattern because frankly having now 3 things that are all called Minotaur is wearing! All of his weapon options are modular, but I've added some designs of my own to help create the versions I fancied.

This is built from the supplied files, and I love the fact that it looks like a Soviet BRDM-2 and BTR-60 got the weapon system from a South African Ratel ZT-3, so awesome. I'm using this as a Chimerro, which was detailed in White Dwarf 185. Since it needs to be a standard ~Chimera with the launcher, I'll be treating the gun in the centre as a Multilaser, and printing up a heavy flamer to mount on the nose somewhere. I'll also be creating custom rules again for all the variants, look for them in time on the other blog.

This is the Chimerax with the quad Autocannons. Again standard parts from the download with a bit of mirroring.

Since the files didn't come with a heavy bolter for the turret, the Taurox not having one, I made my own, and with mirroring made a twin gun turret. I may add a flamer and use this as a proxy for the old FW twin Heavy Bolter turret, or just as a regular Chimera with the 2 possible heavy bolter options moved into the turret.

Another WD185 variant, the Chimedon. This has the Conqueror battle cannon, and uses my heavy bolter file to represent the hull gun albeit in the turret.

This started as a straight up build using the twin autocannon turret in the download. However, both the ones I printed had an error in the top barrel, so it printed in a warped fashion. Not wanting to waste time and resin, I gun the top gun off, and added a printed bolter barrel. I'll use this as Chimera sporting the Autocannon turret, and the heavy bolter hull gun. Thinking other might want to do this, I remade the same gun as a print out of the box file.

1 comment:

Zzzzzz said...

I like these, they're great. Esp that there are people out there who still appreciate the Chimeradon and Chimerax and the others.