Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Kamba Ihote and Oksana

Here are two of my characters from some D&D campaigns that I'm currently playing (or at least I was until C-19 restrictions came into force again).

The Tortle is a conversion of a Tortle monk figure that I found on Thingiverse. His name is basically Turtle Turtle in Swahili and Xhosa respectively. He is mechanically a fighter, but his backstory is that he's a stonemason and hence the modified hammer. The Faun bard is a parallel character in the same game world, but I won't say much about her as she's not been brought into full time use yet, and my fellow players might be reading this. Model-wise she was designed on Heroforge and printed on my Photon.


These were the heroes for the birthday adventure, and each was a gift to the player running them. The pink Fairy is a Stonewall figure, the rest are from Thingiverse with a little greenstuff work in places.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Green Hag

From the Wizkids pre-primed range and rapidly painted to hit the game deadline.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Faithful Hounds

I needed a pack of Mastiffs, but these were the closest I found on Thingiverse. They were given a super fast paint job and a base:

Saturday, 31 October 2020


This was one of the first minis I printed on my Anycubic Photon, I recognise this from the supplied-in-the-box clear green resin. Now based, she she's ready to kill heroes!

I think I found the STL on Thingiverse as usual, but it was ages back so I'm not sure.

Friday, 30 October 2020

GW Skeletons

Just a few of the original GW plastic Skeletons. While these were not the exact miniatures I had as a child, the Skeleton Horde boxed set - selling for £3.99 back in 1990 was the first plastic Citadel set that I ever owned, followed by the Skeleton Army box a little later.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Satyr Bard

Nothing much for ages as I've been really busy with work and investigating new career options. The idea of being permanently working from my front room until retirement is not appealing! 

Here's the start of a few D&D minis that I painted recently for a game that I ran for a friend's birthday.

Found on Thingiverse, printed based and painted.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Locutarus Storm Squad assembled

 Just a quick update on these guys, assembled from a mix of GW plastic, Forgeworld and 3d printed parts, here's my Locutarus Storm Squad, less jump packs. I had to relearn that the resin FW legion specific shoulder pads are scaled on the old resin FW plain pads, not the plastic ones of the modern kits, hence they are a touch small.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Toxiferno Cannons

 Found on Thingiverse I think, and printed to be used by my Iron Warriors since I don't yet have any Death Guard in 30K.

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Heresy WIPs

 As 9th seems to have put a big hole in the playability of most of my armies, I've been struggling to do much for 40k other than build stuff I had stashed, or had 3D printed. I am still feeling good about 30k though, as I've currently rereading all the books in the novel series, and missing some of that marine on marine combat. I rebuilt this old Space Crusade Chaos dreadnought to use as an Iron Warriors box-dreadnought, and I do have some other weapon options. The other marines are destined to become an Ultramarine force. The Mark.2 was meant to become a Luna Wolf, but I'll do some more for that (I'm secretly hoping GW will sell a plastic kit for that mark, one day). The others are a mix of FW and 3D printed bits, aiming to become a full squad of Ultramarines Locutarus Storm troops.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Daemon Prince repose

 Long time readers of my blog may recall this chap from almost a decade back. Well I found where he was hiding, and found a wing had fallen off. Since it looked awful after the first repair being at a worse angle than now, I tore it off, re-positioned it. I think the wings will never look good on this model as they are asymmetrical, but I can use it, hence I have spent the effort and done some new Greenstuff fur to cover up the wing joints. I think I'll paint him - eventually - as something Slaaneshi.

For those wondering, it's bits left over from the DP kit, with legs from and old Bloodbowl Minotaur, and lots of Greenstuff.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Space Crusade Chaos Marine

 Another old model that I fancied salvaging was this old Chaos Space Marine for the MB/GW game called Space Crusade. I got him in a bulk bits buy some while back, and have managed to find bits that fit and look close enough to the original. Back pack is an original 40K Chaos one, from the days of metal minis. The gun is 3D printed, using the one for the Mk.2 marine I showed some months back. The bayonet is from my original RTB-01 marines (never throw that stuff away). Purists will tell me the gun is wrong, being a Phobos not Umbra pattern, but it gets him up and usable again. He'll be joining my Black Legion troops eventually.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020


 One mini I did print, and then dropped, shattering him was this version of Ravenor - prior to being put in his life support chair. I've managed to stick him back together, and have primed him since taking this shot.

I found him online somewhere - probably Thingiverse.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Salamander Terminators

 I primed these back when it was warmer, and drier. I'd had them years but finally managed to put them together, these are the Forgeworld 40K version of the Tartaros Terminators (differing from the 30k ones as they have the Crux on the shoulders).

Monday, 7 September 2020

Tiny Ork Styka

Something that got missed from back in June - a version of the Ork aircraft I made in 28mm, but in AI scale! Sadly it still looks like this as I haven't done any painting in months.

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Phantom rebuild Part 1

 I never posted this, but my Phantom had a nasty tumble some months back, and then wouldn't go back together properly. After several failed attempts to rebuild it, I put it all in a box, and walked away. Now armed with 3mm brass rob and an battery drill, I'm building it again - progress so far it this. I had to repose it as the previous pose was very unstable, and was straining the joints anyway - also I saw it had been built with the shins on the wrong sides, and some bits were missing. Now the legs are fitted correctly, and I've started printing some bits to sub in for the absent parts - who knows what happened to them! I'll be printing and then beating the stuffing out of a vehicle that will be going under the foot - too much of a cliche not to copy that!

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Orc Warcopta - WIP

Another find on Thingiverse, with a few mods. I printed the helicopter as normal, but found the supplied rotors were too small. For some reason, when enlarged, they wouldn't print so I got just the raised sections. Anyway, I'm handy with styrene sheet so used those bits and details and cut a new rotor. The mek door piece was resized (53mm square) and added just to enclose the cockpit area, which looked too open. This is the piece in green. I've started painting this but have run out of black primer - the horror! The filler is there because my printer isn't quite setup correctly at the moment, and flat surfaces tend to curve a little and the parts lose adhesion to the build plate - a new mat is on order.



Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Pathfinders Squad #2

I realised I never shared this image of one of my other ranger squads from my would be Adepticon army.

Monday, 25 May 2020

WIP Ork Airforce

Just a quick shot of 2 more Ork aircraft

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Bowelburna finished!

I painted something!!!

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Styka - WIP

Still no time to paint, but the printer has been going lots. The Ragnarusses are progressing, but in the meantime I've assembled this, rescaled to fighta-bomma size, another Thingiverse treasure.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Ragnaroks - WIP 1

I've been printing 3 of these "Ragnarusses", by the time you read this, they will have had the missing bits printed and the printing errors on the sides filled and sanded.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Luna Wolves - WIP 1

Just an excuse to print some more things. One is a Luna Wolf Captain, completed with some Mk.4 bits and a skull from the GW skull kit. The second is a push fit-MK.2 that someone shared on Thingiverse. I'm planning to paint hese as Luna Wolves, as well as take it up to Squad strength as one of my friends is planning lots of pre-heresy games.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Dolphin - WIP

Found this, and printed for a laugh - just in case we need to 'summon bigger fish' spell (yes I know this is a mammal). It will no doubt turn up in my next watery adventure, planned for 2021.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Leman Russ Annihilator - WIP 1

This started life as a Models and Minis Olifant tank kit, with their trench rails too. For somereaons I didn't get a hatch, so I found one on Thingiverse, as well as a stubber and sorted that, then I found a twin lascannon to round out my plans. The cannons were mounted on a large block for a different kit, so I sawed them off, and pinned and sculpted them onto the Olifant turret. Just need to add an aerial, then paint.