Sunday 9 December 2018

Weekend wash out

I'm sticking to my plan of doing one post per day on the blog until at least Christmas, but today has been a bit of a bust for getting anything completed. I ended up spending over half a day clearing my spare room so I could extract my Christmas tree and decorations from the loft, and then had issues with models falling off desks and breaking. This was followed up with the paint water pot going all over my stuff and the rug - much cleanup needed. Oh and on top of that, the 40k scenery I was 3D printing decided to have a brainfart halfway through, before resuming, leaving me with a model from a 7 hour print that needs to have the centre section scratchbuilt as I don't have another 7 hours to spare. Anyway, here are some things that have been moved along, and will be completed in the next week or so.


Siph_Horridus said...

Some days are just better spent in bed... at least you have Christmas decorations to put up now?

Zzzzzz said...

Hang in there, you're doing well and we're enjoying watching !

Sir Tainly said...

Thanks guys, yes the decorations are now up at least. Glad you're enjoying this, I'm getting a buzz out of working through the backlog, probably done more in the last month than for a very long time. 2019 is looking good for new 30k/40k content too as I'll be doing a number of events requiring new units.