Sunday, 5 January 2025

2024 closeout, and on to 2025

I haven't painted anything other than as part of doing repairs since November. I had a great time at Apocalypticon, even if we ended up facing an Imperator titan - thanks David - and getting thrashed. After the event a load of us caught a pretty nasty bug, something like COVID although it didn't trigger my test kits. That  knocked me out for two weeks, and lingered in a lesser form for even longer. That lead to Christmas preparation starting late, and being pretty rushed, and at the last minute (Christmas Eve) I had to help the vet euthanise one of our  sheep right on the afternoon work had given us off extra as a gift. Between Christmas and new year, I had a few days off so I managed to build though my Combat Patrol sprues that had arrived or been bought locally. I'm still waiting for issues 11-14 from my subscription, even though they've sent me later ones already. I also started building a few single model kits that were in the house. By this weekend I have managed to build:

30 x Termagants 

3 x Ripper Swarm

1 x Psychophage

5 x Barbgaunts

1 x Terminator Librarian

1 x Infernus Marine Sergeant Ltd Ed

5 x Infernus Marines

1 x Deathwatch Captain Artemis 

2 x Drukhari Khymerae

1 x Sydonian Skatros

1x GSC Benefictus

Moving into 2025, it's a 30k start to the year. I have a doubles event next month locally where I'll be taking my IW (with some new Basilisks and a Siege Breaker consul) along with my friend Matt and his new White Scars! In March I'm off to Goonhammer's 30k event in Leicester, again taking my IW. I only squeaked in on Friday due to a drop out, so I haven't even thought about my list yet, I spent most of the time in between continuing the rebuild of a chicken house so we can bring all out chickens into the same location. I've also done a bit of programming to make some tools to help make a custom unit fandex for future Apocalypticons. I'll share more when it's presentable.

I'll leave you with a picture of the Imperator we faced.

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