Wednesday 2 October 2024

World Eaters - next year?

One option I looked at for Apocalypticon was taking my World Eaters using the new dex. I have a lot of big Khornate vehicles (old Armourcast etc), and my Blood Pact are obviously followers of the Blood God. In the end, I went with my beloved Iron Warriors, but maybe next year, it'll be these guys? I had scooped some extras on Ebay, so just showing them here in the state in which they have gone back into storage for now.

3 Bikers, they've lost their chainaxes, but I've printed some spares. I haven't fitted them yet as I'm waiting to see if they come back into the codex, and what their options are now.

Some nicely painted Bezerkers, just need to sort the bases. The weapon options are now illegal, but given the unit has very few options now, they are just regular guys with a Bolt Pistol and a chain weapon when they hit the tabletop.

A rescue project, I printed some Mk4 legs and brought some of these back to spec.

More serious work - almost all printed with old heads, but it gave me chance to add eviscerators to a few squads. 

A champion, which after raiding the spares box can be rebuilt.

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