Sunday 22 September 2024

Huge game at the Board Room cafe in Bridgnorth!

I haven't really got a lot of progress on IW to share since I'm still battling the very large terrain piece for November. I have got some photos of WIPs of projects that I've been clearing away to tidy up the project room, and so I'll share those over the next few days.  Those are things for next year most likely. However, for the last two days I've been at a huge game at the Board Room in Bridgnorth. Great place, with very friendly and helpful staff. The game was run by Matt, who I didn't know before this weekend, but whom I will be seeing again in November, which is awesome, as he's someone who really gets my idea of what gaming should be about - fun narrative and with a great crowd. 

We had three tables, city, desert and jungle with the forces of the Imperium and Aeldari battling an unholy alliance of Chaos and Necrons across all 3. The forces were immense with appearances from Titan Legios, Grey Knights, Arbites, Imperial Fists, Militarum along with the aforementioned xenos and my IW.

I'm gushing, but it was one of the best events I've been to in years, we were all playing for the best things narratively and doing what felt right and fun - cracking crowd, and I'm already looking forward to next year.  

When all the photos are shared online, I'll post a link here, but in the meantime, here's just a few shots of my army I took to help me think about positioning for November - like don't put a dreadnought with 6" move at the back!

Over 15,000 points of IW and Legio Mortis!

The hated Imperial Fists (played by Max, a super opponent)

The Arbites and Penal Legion from the other Matt - the police vehicles had working lights!!!

Looking towards the desert then jungle tables

Traffic jam!

See what I mean about positioning!

The civilised way to attend an event! I had to buy a load of new bungee cords as mine have gone walkabout!

1 comment:

Zzzzzz said...

Bridgenorth is a couple of hours from here, but doable. Love the army shots.