Saturday 2 May 2020

Slaaneshi Leviathan - WIP 1

I don't usually try and print exact copies of vehicles, as I prefer to use the build time for custom stuff, but I wanted to try the Photon for some larger items. So I found myself printing a Leviathan Dreadnought with bits to make some custom Butcher Cannon arrays.

The icon and sound grills are added as extras, with a liitle GS to fix errors, and I've seen two more flaws during photography I need to fix. The base is also 3d printed (on the Ender 5) and the odd colour shift, grey to yellow, is caused by me needing to change the filament during the print.


Zzzzzz said...

Enjoying all of these, espescially the feudal guardsman

Sir Tainly said...

Thanks, just made another via Heroforge.