Monday 5 November 2018

Pack Howitzer crews WIP

After many years, I'm trying to complete my Blood Pact (count as mortars) pack howitzers. 2 out of 3 bases are done, and now I'm starting the crew.


Zzzzzz said...

Ha ha. I always enjoy these long long long project posts. It's great to know that one isn't alone in having such long term jobs.

Sir Tainly said...

I have many! :) Since this blog reel is catching up with reality, I've actually just been completing 5 of these guys tonight, so this project should be done very soon.

Siph_Horridus said...

Projects like these are never 'finished'... my Relictors Battle Company is still being made although the actual numbers and armoury is far in excess of a single 106 Marines... i've even started on the 4th Company too...