Sunday, 29 May 2022

Lupercal Tank - PIP

Just before paint got added to the first Lupercal tank (30k style Macharius). Since I printed the bow guns before I found the extra STL, they are bolters, but with shortened Stubber barrels - the remaining 3 tanks will have the correct guns. The rear of the turret didin't print well, so I did a little fix with plastic strip and a custom panel with the Legion iconography on it. One of the remaining tanks will be for the Sons of Horus, but this and two more are for the Iron Warriors.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

St Mary's Gratwich

 Just wanted to share something I was asked to design, print and paint - a model of St Mary's church in Gratwich - where we'll be getting married. I designed it in 3D Builder based on photos I took while I was last there. Printed on the Mono, and painted with my usual range of paints (mix of Vallejo and GW). Scale wise, it's slightly bigger than 1/300 (1/270 maybe).

Friday, 27 May 2022

Big Toys 40k

As promised, I like to unveil my new project:

We're hoping to run an event from next year to break all those huge armies and giant monsters and warmachines, and all the info, such that it's known at the moment is on the other link. In the meantime, let me leave you with these photos, and the information that this morning I was digging out my half printed Warlord to work out what's still needed.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Slaaneshi Titans - Questor and Subjugator continued

I've been a bit quiet because a few things have happened in the last two weeks, I'll quickly post a personal update, then onto the titans! I was supposed to be starting a new job last week, but offer was pulled hours before I started after some very shady behaviour. This has meant I've been doing technical tests and interviewing with regularity ever since - I need a job as I'm less than 4 weeks from my wedding and I need money! Another thing is that I was attending King Fluff's event last weekend, so needed to paint like mad, not do blog articles. The last thing is that I'm working on a new format of event, starting next year, where we'll be able to meet up and break out the big toys and large armies - I'll post more of that when plans are more concrete. Now onto the titans! First shot is the Questor with the body painted, then a group shot with the Subjugator, armour now fitted. The last shot is the family one, bases all done and shown with my Hell Striders and Reaver Titan.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Slaaneshi Questor WIP

As a stablemate to the Subjugator, here's my Questor - also by Evanogainen.

From the storage box, last Friday morning, with Subjugator bits, at this stage it has no legs!

Legs have been printed and assembled. Feet are not glued yet, they will be painted separately.

Without feet for painting.

Feet and panels painted in a base orange, everything else, first pass of silver.

Friday, 13 May 2022

Slaaneshi Subjugator (Almost Done)

I think I previewed a WIP of this years back, but it's another of Evanogainen's great works! Since we now have rules for these in our local 30k events (by King Fluff) and because I needed more superheavies for my Leviathan Detachment, I've had to seriously crack on with this during the last week. That's right, last Friday,  just the two parts of the front hull were assembled, some bits still had printing supports attached,  the tail still had damage from a failed print and the arm joints weren't printed.

Obviously the base still needs finishing but I'll do that in concert with my Questor to get them to match - more on that tomorrow.

For those too young, the Subjugator came out for 2nd edition Epic back in the 1990s.

Legs assembled and attached to hull.

Tail repaired and attached, starting to paint the pink panels and the silver metal work.

Working on the blue panels

All the panels ready to go pink - I think I found I was missing some panels, so had to print two quickly.

Almost there - still some panels left to do.

All done bar the base.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Traitor Lucius Reaver - Done

Both arms now painted, so we'll be taking this beast to a 30k event in just over a week!

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Traitor Reaver - almost done!

I've finally thrown a bit more paint on my  3D printed Lucius Reaver! We've just the arm guns and the spot lights to go and "Clamans ad Vindictam" will walk. It'll be in the colours of Legio Mortis, rather than the originally planned Tempestor though. I really liked how Mortis' colours match those of my Justaerin, and it's much easier to paint!

Monday, 2 May 2022

Aquila Lander

 I found this online, and had to have one of these old classics! The file was a bit messed up so the print is very rough sadly, I've started filing, filling and fixing. I still need to find an autocannon for the nose, there wasn't one in the download.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Phantom completely reassambled

As per the title, all the bits are now stuck back together - first time since he took his tumble in 2019!