Sunday, 30 June 2019

Sister, Blister 4

Dedicated Transports

2 Immolators (one shown here as the other is in the colours in which I bought it)

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Sister, Blister 3

Fast Attack

3 Seraphim Squads with 5 or 6 girls each

Friday, 28 June 2019

Sister, Blister 2

Fast Attack

2 Dominion Squads with Meltas (the Sister Superior is from Fox Box with a 3d printed combi-weapon)

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Sister, Blister 1

I haven't been around much lately, that's because my girlfriend and I have been painting like maniacs! We've been working on my Sisters and Knights army that I took to the Northern Warlord Team event. As an aside, I did terribly at the event as I faced a 9 Eldar flyer list, then a 9 Knight list, and only then was it was time to meet the fun opponents! (the people on the bottom tables!)

I'll post up want we painted for the sisters of the next few days.


3 Battle Sister Squads or 5 or 6 girls each

Thursday, 6 June 2019

28mm Lucius Reaver Part 1

Printing is in progress for a 28mm scale Lucius Reaver titan, here's the work so far.

Stl at:

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Thunderhawk Printing In Progress

I printed one of these for a friend in 6mm scale, in green, and so liked the model, I'm making an 8mm scaled one, in yellow. Still some pieces to print, but just need to modify some of the other items on this print file before completing.

Epic version found here :

Monday, 3 June 2019

Tiny Predators

More tanks to populate terrain of my forthcoming AT boards, some AT scale Predators.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Hellstrider Knight

Another beaut from Thingiverse: a conversion for an Armiger chassis to make something akin to the old Epic Hellstriders. I printed the legs from the Armour Bearer project, also on Thingiverse (I've linked to it before, and you can find a link to it from the one above). Of the two I made, one is a much lower resolution, so looks rough close up, buit as I was painting to a deadline, I didn't have time to reprint and wait. This was an over night run for me.

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Adeptus Titanicus Warhound

3d printed to add Lucius patterns to the game. I have some issues with the legs and feet, so will need to either reprint or repair with Greenstuff and plastic rod.