Sunday, 23 March 2025

First Dominator and a Sergeant

By the time you read this, I will be on my way home from the Goonhammer heresy event, but only a few days before, while packing up, I found I was short of two figures! One was another Sergeant with Bolter, Bolt pistol and Powerfist, the other was another Terminator with Thunderhammer. For the first, I simply raided my bits boxes and printed bits leftovers, and for the second I pulled out one of my Dominators, as I didn't have another regular one, and slapped the paint on very quickly. I had a half day off for a medical appointment (MRI - very cool) which didn't take as long as I feared, so I had a bit of time to work on them.

Saturday, 22 March 2025

Warsmith and Primus Medicae

The medicae was from a project from back before we moved, so it's good to finally get paint on it! The Warsmith was another Apocalypticon left over, but they're getting an outing today, so it's good to have them ready for future events as well.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Iron Warrior Basilisk #1

Another project left over from last year - here's one of two of my Basilisks. I still need to make some crew for the pair, but the vehicle itself is done.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Iron Warrior Terminators

I bought a block of 10 from Ebay last year, but never got time to complete them, since they are on my Goonhammer list, here's 5 of them. The chainaxe is no longer legal, but I'm claiming it as a poweraxe - close enough.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Spartan #2

As I'm off to the Goonhammer Heresy event this weekend, held in Leicester, I thought I ought to add some new units to my roster, here's the first. I actually started this Spartan at the start of last year, but never got to finishing it, due to doing all the Apocalypticon stuff, but it's finally finished.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sergeants and Optae

For the doubles event I'm heading to next week, I needed a couple of Sergeants with bolt pistol and power fist, and an new HQ. I went for the Optae, simply because he's cheap, but because he's lacking in the melee skills I went for a ranged option, a minor combi-bolter with Volkite. The shield gives him the invulnerable save of a Centurion, which might help him, and I plumped for some artificer armour.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

2nd Vindicator Laser Destroyer

I was hoping to have completed the 2 Basilisks I started recently, but after a poor showing in a practice recently, they were parked, incomplete. The event is a local doubles one-day narrative one, and we're taking White Scars with Loyalist Iron Warriors. I had hope to go super thematic with Basilisks, as the Scars player is full on jetbikes and Lan Speeders, but the lack of good AP made me think that they won't cut it. I've therefore gone back to a couple of Laser Destroyers and some other toys - the Basilisks aren't cheap! The VLD was started last year but got dropped when I found there's no datasheet for them in 10th (although the other one made an appearance in the end using a Predator stat block when I needed to find more points quickly).