Tuesday 9 May 2023

Chimera Engineers' Vehicle

This was somethingI scored on Ebay (along with another Chimera conversion). I've made some changes to it, and it's not quite done yet. The rear used to have 2 heavy Stubber gunners, but I've swapped that for a Multilaser, so it currently has that and a Heavy Bolter. If I add a heavy Stubber to the front, then it'll be regular 40k legal too - bonus! I printed up a V plow to give it that mine clearing vibe, repaired one of the grabs (broken and lost in transit) and widened the rear shield with plasticard. On and I also added some rivets and modified the cupola weapon mount. Next up will be some stowage around the top hatch and hopefully a rear gunner.


Zzzzzz said...

Ooooh, nice

Sir Tainly said...

One of several engineer vehicles I have planned - just need to find some good stls for the dismounted sappers.