Saturday 18 December 2021

Orks for 30k Part 3

Here are some of the infantry I'm hoping to use for the 30k Orks (but with a few additions can work for 40k).

First squad is GI in 'Nam themed, mix of Fox Box (from Ramshackle) and Mekka Miniatures printed parts. The M60 is a digital kitbash of AgentSmith99's one from his Huey kits, with some old Ork arms.

Second are some VC Orks. Again Mekka Miniatures STLs with digitally kitbashed heads and RPG.

More Mekka Minitures files with some GW arms.

Same STLa but with Spellcrow heads and old Fox Box guns, and some GW bits.

A couple of the packs had misprints, so I did some repair work to make some custom versions.


Zzzzzz said...

Are they resin or FDM ?

Sir Tainly said...

Resin, only use FDM if I can't fit the STL in the resin printer