Saturday, 12 September 2020

Heresy WIPs

 As 9th seems to have put a big hole in the playability of most of my armies, I've been struggling to do much for 40k other than build stuff I had stashed, or had 3D printed. I am still feeling good about 30k though, as I've currently rereading all the books in the novel series, and missing some of that marine on marine combat. I rebuilt this old Space Crusade Chaos dreadnought to use as an Iron Warriors box-dreadnought, and I do have some other weapon options. The other marines are destined to become an Ultramarine force. The Mark.2 was meant to become a Luna Wolf, but I'll do some more for that (I'm secretly hoping GW will sell a plastic kit for that mark, one day). The others are a mix of FW and 3D printed bits, aiming to become a full squad of Ultramarines Locutarus Storm troops.

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