Friday, 21 March 2025

Iron Warrior Basilisk #1

Another project left over from last year - here's one of two of my Basilisks. I still need to make some crew for the pair, but the vehicle itself is done.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Iron Warrior Terminators

I bought a block of 10 from Ebay last year, but never got time to complete them, since they are on my Goonhammer list, here's 5 of them. The chainaxe is no longer legal, but I'm claiming it as a poweraxe - close enough.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Spartan #2

As I'm off to the Goonhammer Heresy event this weekend, held in Leicester, I thought I ought to add some new units to my roster, here's the first. I actually started this Spartan at the start of last year, but never got to finishing it, due to doing all the Apocalypticon stuff, but it's finally finished.