Tuesday 15 October 2024

Black Legion Terminator Lord

Another Black Legion Terminator which needed its base doing was this Terminator Lord. Original painting pics from 2012 here:


Monday 14 October 2024

Black Legion Terminators

I think I mentioned this before, but I'm lending an army to a friend who's flying in from Germany. He's borrowing my Black Legion, so I thought I should finish up some of my old models from 2012. In the case of these Terminators, it was get the bases finished, which are now done! You can see the post from when I completed the original painting here: https://fortwargame.blogspot.com/2012/06/captain-chaos.html

Sunday 13 October 2024


An old 3D sculpt that sadly didn't print that well, but hopefully with a bit of paint looks ok?

Saturday 12 October 2024

Dark Apostle and friends

This is yet another model I started years ago but never finished - you can see WIP shot from back in 2014. Originally I won the incomplete body of the DA in a bit box price at an Animosity event, some bits from my bits box, and a scratch built augmetic leg later - there we were. In the meantime, DA's gained 2 helpers  in the rules, so in keeping with the Iron Warriors, mine are ex-Spacemarine servitors - 3D print kitbashes.

Friday 11 October 2024

Master of Executions

We'll call him Moe for short. I do have the official model, but I've never actually liked it, and when I came to put paint on it, I just couldn't see how the aesthetic fitted with the 4th Legion. I therefore grabbed some 3D printed bits, found a skin cloak (which was too long, but otherwise great) and cracked on.

Here's what I threw together, sadly no axe, but I think it looks a lot more thematic than the proper model.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Decimator complete after a decade

Yet again, another of my veteran units, one that I posted up almost 10 years ago to the day (https://fortwargame.blogspot.com/2014/10/one-in-ten.html) is now complete. I could have done more, but I matched it to my Soul Burner equipped trio and left it at that.

Monday 7 October 2024

Ardaric Vaanes

Those that have read Graham McNeill's work featuring Warsmith Honsou and Uriel Ventris will be familiar with Ardaric Vaanes, the Renegade Raven Guard. If not, details can be found here https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ardaric_Vaanes. Since my army for Apocalypticon will feature Honsou and some of his inner circle, I thought I'd add this old 3d print of Vaanes.